What To Look For In The Security And Safety Of Self-storage Facility

Just lock-and-leave! You may have been told this by your self-storage facility at the time when you signed up. Although it’s safe to assume the facility is secured, it’s not something you should take for granted. In your box are valuables or things you’ll need in an emergency. Taking relevant security measures is an added step to give you the peace of mind. The last thing you need is constantly worrying over the security of your belongings.

secure storage cctvOne of the factors you must consider when choosing a self-storage facility is security. Are your belongings safe? What measures are in place to ensure it? What other measures can you take to ensure this? The well-being of your belongings should be the priority of the facility. It’s part of the deal. You should never have to worry about it once you’ve locked and left.

In this article, we examine the subject of self-storage security. More specifically, it’ll discuss the things you need to check on and can do to feel assured of the well-being of your belongings.

1. How many layers of security are there to get secure storage?

Surveillance cameras or security guards on-site 24-hours a day are important. But on their own, they may not be sufficient, especially for large facilities. Therefore, it is important to know if the self-storage facility has additional layers of security measures. It provides the added peace of mind.

2. Make it yours

Whatever key and codes provided to you should never be shared. There are occasions when you reckon it’s safe to share it with someone. Avoid this possibility as far as possible. Perhaps you might nominate one or two other persons that your self-storage facility provider should have on record, for example, a family member living in the same household.

3. Are you insured?

Given the rising popularity of self-storage facilities, there’s bound to be an insurance plan that meets your requirements. Taking out the relevant insurance policy is a worthwhile investment. It is advisable to check with the facility if they provide such coverage and what it entails.

4. Play by the rules

Theft or burglary isn’t the only security issue you should be concerned with. There are safety concerns you should take note of too. Flammable or hazardous materials should not be stored in the facility. There are rules governing this. We advise you to adhere to them. At risk, in the event of a fire, are the belongings of others and yours too. Above all, it is the safety of others in the facility. Check the rules of the self-storage facility with regards to these.

5. Make it double

It’s better to be safe than sorry. While it may be somewhat over-the-top, investing in a second lock where appropriate is wise. You may have stored some of your items in boxes that can be locked. If yes, lock it!

Store, safe and secure – these are the 3S of a good self secure storage facility provider. Keep them in mind when scouting for one. To learn how we do it, book a tour here.

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